Ömer Yüce
Between 2004-2006, he taught Documentary Photography at Yildiz Technical University.
His work featured in many group exhibitions.
Hİs first solo exhibition “Energy” was shown at Art Galerim, Nisantas in 2012.
In 1995, his wife Pemra and he founded the ops! photography (www.opsfoto.com) studio. They still serve many brands in advertising photography.
Pemra Yüce
She graduated from Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Photography in 1991. She completed her master’s degree in Still Life Photography at the same university.
In 1991, she started to work as a specialist in the Photography Department of Yıldız Technical University.
Between 1996 and 2004, she was a lecturer in the Still Life photography course at the same university.
Since 1997, she started to shoot Lifestyle shots in the field of babies and children, marriage special portraits, family photographs and birth.
She started photography clubs in her children’s schools and other educational institutions, and she tried to get children to love and teach photography, and she still continue. She loved doing this so much that she wrote them a book called “Küçük Fotoğrafçılar (Little Photographers).”
She had 3 solo exhibitions. In 2009, the project she did for the AÇEV (Mother Child Education Foundation) benefit — “No illiterate mothers in South-eastern Anatolia” — was a social responsibility project. As part of this project, she photographed 50 famous and successful mothers with their children.
In 1995, her husband Ömer and she founded the ops! photography (www.opsfoto.com) studio. They still serve many brands in advertising photography.

Eda Yüce Erginoğlu
She graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts High School Cinema and Television Department.She is currently studying at the Department of Communication Design at Ozyegin University. Photography and video, which she is most sincere and passionate about in her, are tools between her and the outside world where she can express her self freely.